Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Long Time since I last updated...

Wow, has it really been August since I posted on this site? Yikes. Time flies when you are... well, what have I been doing lately? Work was very busy up until October, it seems like since then it has been very quiet at the office. Giving me time to feed Jack's Neopet, go to football games,shop for Christmas presents, and look for a house. The weekend before my birthday, Jack and I met Elaine at the Falcons game. We had a lot of fun taking Marta in to the city, the game was fun, Jack didn't want to leave. Being a Mama Worry-wort, we left a few minutes early to get on the train before it got super crowded, and wouldn't you know it, we missed a very exciting finish! Only to get stuck in accident traffic trying to get home. We probably would have been better off staying at the stadium! The next weekend, we got tickets to the Clemson/GA Tech game. We lost, which was sad, but I got to make some yummy food for the crew.

Over Thanksgiving, I found myself with extra time on my hands, and I finished 4 aprons, have two in progress, and I also whipped up some rice heating bags - which, by golly, really do work! I am really close to having all the presents for my girlfriends done. Which is good, because they are all coming over for dinner on the 12th. I will post some new pictures soon!

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