Thursday, December 18, 2008

I love Christmas-time

I love this time of year. Especially when all my shopping is DONE. Reviewing my list last night, I realized that all of my gifts are under control. What an amazing feeling of peace. I am usually running crazy at the last minute, dashing to UPS only to find out that the box will arrive before New Year's not Christmas... it is enough to make you want to eat a whole pumpkin pie. (Not that I would do that... no way)

Thank goodness for the internet. I was able to send gift baskets to those who "have everything," find the 3-d version of Journey to the Center of the Earth for Jack, plus some cool toys that I wouldn't have been able to find unless I went to Toys R Us. I don't want to be anywhere near that store in the month of December... My girlfriends all got aprons, my niece and nephew got some bedtime stories, Mom and Claude are covered too. Whew! Now I can enjoy the fireplace and make some yummy food without freaking out about gifts I haven't found yet. That is the sort of panic that keeps Isotoner in business. At midnight on Christmas Eve, it seems logical that everyone needs slipper socks. Oh yes. Slipper socks will be so warm and toasty in the winter. I've received a few pairs. And really, one pair is enough. Because one sock will soon disappear to wherever socks go between the dryer and the dresser. And then you are faced with the decision to throw away the remaining sock -but you can't - because you know the minute you do, the other one will appear. I have witnessed this first hand, so this is not just a crazy theory.

I'm looking forward to posting more pictures after my new apron presents are opened on Christmas. Until then - happy holidays!

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