Tuesday, December 2, 2008

More than office politics

I usually duck my head when it comes to office politics, but today, I think I will need to intervene. SOMEONE keeps turning up the heat. I work in a huge building, filled with little cubicles in the center, and pretty offices with windows along the outside... Must be nice! Cube-dwellers have "zone climate control" which means the masses are at the mercy of the one person who gets cold when it's 75 degrees, and thinks it will get warmer faster if they crank it up to 85.

Winter in Georgia is relatively mild. Outside, today it will get to about 45 degrees. I am wearing a long suede skirt, boots, hose, and an angora sweater. About 2:00 today, I realize that I am BAKING to death in my cubicle... I take a peek at the thermostat, someone has turned it to 80. I am the last person to say - "It's too hot in here" BUT IT'S TOO HOT IN HERE! When I find the person who keeps tweaking the heat... they will find angora up their nose.

Which, by the way, I think is french for "cat fur" I've been shedding all day.

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