Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Is a little bit of OCD okay?

I have to admit to a little bit of OCD when it comes to keeping my carpet clean. I love to vacuum. I'm not sure where it started, but it is probably why I love mowing the lawn too. Now that I have a wonderful yellow Dyson (it kinda looks like Wall-e from that Pixar movie) the obsession has gotten worse. I whip that vac around my apartment and am amazed that there is that much "stuff" on the floor. OK, most of it is hair, and I can't blame the cat for all of it. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a ton of hair, and I shed just as bad as the cat does. Aha! So there is my excuse for my twice a week, gotta have it, vac fix! I love the perfect little lines in the carpet when I'm done. I love/hate seeing the little bitty cat footprints in it the next morning - it is kind of cool (yet annoying) to see that she really does just wander around without much purpose.

Only my cat knows how bad it really is - although the Dyson is quieter than the mammoth thing I had before, she still runs and hides. I thought I was the only one, living with this weirdness/quirk?, keeping it to myself because my friends look at me like I'm crazy... But then my Mom and I got to talking. I think I have found a kindred spirit, enabler, call it what you will. It started with my son spilling soda on her new carpet. And ended with us buying a home carpet steam cleaner. She took it for a week and cleaned all the carpet and rugs in her house - just as a frame of reference, it is a brand new house, she and my stepdad moved in to it in January. If it wasn't the middle of summer, I swear she would have done her car too. I picked up the heavy contraption from her house last Sunday. After dragging it up to my third floor apartment, I wasn't sure if I was even going to bother with it... But then, who am I kidding? It was the best of both worlds! The instructions TOLD ME TO VACUUM FIRST. WOO HOO! An hour later I had cleaned 3/4 of the carpet in my apartment. I think the only reason I stopped is because I couldn't feel my right shoulder anymore. Fast forward to Tuesday morning, my entire apartment has clean, beautiful carpet. Uh oh, it just might be time to vacuum again. LOL

For those of you about to send the men with the butterfly nets and the straight jacket out to my apartment, don't get me started on how to make the bed...

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