Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Hi there!

I have wanted to start on this blog site for a while, but couldn't come up with a good name. I know, it's kind of silly, but I wanted something... just right. I have been addicted to the Apronista, Apron-a-day, and several other Blogger sites which gave me motivation to start my own.

"Dot & Glady" is a tribute to my late grandmothers.

Dot (Dorothy) was an amazingly creative and talented artist, seamstress and cook. I got to know her more when I was in college. After being practically on the other side of the country from that set of grandparents for most of my childhood, I moved within 15 minutes of them when I went away for school. I could tell very quickly where my mischievous streak comes from.

Glady (Gladys) was a wonderful woman who's generosity of spirit was boundless. My brother and I enjoyed summer and winter vacations at Gladys' house, we'd watch deer walk right up to the back deck, we'd play piano (badly) in the room off the garage. I don't think I'll ever forget being wrapped up in a blanket in front of the TV to watch cartoons on a COLD winter morning.

I lost both of these wonderful women to cancer. But I hope that their spirit lives on in not only my generation, but also the next. There are times when my son will look at me and I will swear he looks just like Dot. His belly laugh reminds me of Glady.

I am not the domestic diva that these women were, but I certainly try. I balance my computer geek day-job with a random set of quirky hobbies that I truly enjoy. With the sewing machine, I make quilts, aprons... the occasional sock monkey. In the kitchen, I love to come up with fun recipes, amazing desserts with chocolate are my favorite. Now that summer is winding down, it is time to turn my attention to the quilt I've promised my Mom for about a year... I'm working on it, Mom, REALLY!

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