Thursday, January 8, 2009

I've been "Blackberry'd"?

I have dodged the Blackberry/Treo/PDA bullet for the last 7 years. I got by with taking my laptop home with me at night, and if there was a problem, someone would call me. When I lived up in the mountains, I couldn't get data service anyway. Now that I'm in town, I hoped to stay under the radar... I didn't really WANT to be clued in to my work email on my off hours. I liked having a pile of email to delete on Monday mornings because they were usually "informational alerts" and didn't require me to do anything but put them in the trash. Well, I avoided the ultimate in techie geek for as long as I could. Yesterday I got assigned a Treo. The guys in Infrastructure think it's absurd that I haven't had one for this long - they each have a Blackberry permanently attached to their hip. So, reluctantly, I took the darn thing home. It's bright and shiny and it makes all sorts of beeps and boops. Anyone who has seen me try to send a text message with my phone, knows that this will take some getting used to. I learned this morning that I am not skilled enough to check my email in the car on the way to work. I'm pretty sure this gadget will hang out in the very bottom of my purse like my phone does - and it will be one more thing to keep up with a charger for. But hey, if it helps solve some monster problem before it gets to my boss - it might be worth it. (that and I got to check the weather on it before I left the house - how cool!)

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